Signs of an immature cat

As one of mankind’s most popular pets, cats have attracted the love of countless people with their cute and independent qualities. However, raising cats does not always lead to harmony with them, and sometimes we encounter situations where cats are unfamiliar with us. This article will delve into the symptoms and treatment methods of a cat that is not familiar with it, and help us establish a better relationship with our cats.

Part One: Symptoms of Unfamiliar Cats

1. Cats avoid approaching humans: Unfamiliar cats often hide in hidden places and are unwilling to approach humans. They may hide under beds, cabinets, or behind furniture, showing obvious avoidance behavior.

When we try to approach them, they may quickly move away trying to find a safer place to hide. This shows that cats lack trust in us and have not yet developed the habit of being close to humans.

2. Cats cluck or hiss: Unfamiliar cats often show nervous and restless emotions and make clucking or hissing sounds. This is their self-protection mechanism against unfamiliar environments or strangers.

When we get close to them, they may try to protect themselves by making warning sounds. This behavior indicates that the cat feels threatened and needs more time to adjust to our presence.

3. Cats attack or scratch humans: In extreme cases, unfamiliar cats may show aggression and actively attack or scratch humans. This is a stress response to their fear and uneasiness, which needs attention and treatment.

Cats may feel extremely threatened when we approach them deeply and try to protect themselves. This performance requires us to improve and deal with it as soon as possible to avoid injury.

Part Two: Treatment Methods

1. Respect the cat’s space: When we find that the cat is not well-fed, the first principle is to respect their space. Do not force contact with them and allow them enough time and space to adapt to the new environment and unfamiliar people.

We can provide cats with a safe, secluded place to relax. Set aside areas in your home where they can come and go freely and interact with us on their own terms.

2. Slowly build trust: Gradually build trust with your cat through gentle words, slow movements and a patient attitude. We can use food to attract cats to come close to us, and give small rewards when cats are willing to come in contact to increase their favorability towards us.

We can call the cats’ names softly and communicate with them in a soft voice. Try to avoid sudden movements or loud noises and interact with them in a calm and steady manner.

3. Gradually increase the contact time: Once the cats have a certain amount of trust in us, we can gradually increase the contact time with them. You can slowly get them used to interacting with humans by slowly reaching out to pet their head and gradually lifting them.

We should try to avoid sudden movements or too direct contact and remain gentle and cautious. Gradually build our cats’ trust in us, and they will gradually let down their guard and develop a closer relationship with us.

4. Provide a safe environment: Providing a safe environment for cats is also an important part of cultivating them to be close to humans. Provide suitable cat nests, cat scratching posts, etc. to allow cats to gradually adapt in a comfortable and safe environment.

We can gradually guide them to move around in different areas of the home, providing more environmental stimulation as they slowly adapt. This will help the cat better adapt to the home environment and gradually accept the presence of humans.

Although raising unfamiliar cats presents some challenges, with patience and careful handling, we can build trust and friendship with our cats. Remember that each cat has a unique personality and they need to be given enough time and space to adapt to their new environment and people.

There may be many reasons why you may not be familiar with raising a cat. Cats are naturally independent animals. They have their own behavioral characteristics and social methods, and they may not be easy to establish close relationships with people. Whether cats receive enough socialization and care when they are young or raised by humans will also affect their closeness to people. Different cats have different personalities and behavioral characteristics. Some cats are naturally timid or shy, and may take longer to adapt to and trust a home environment that is familiar with the outside world. Therefore, if you want your cat to become closer, you can slowly cultivate your cat’s trust and closeness to you through gentle attitude, patient companionship and appropriate training.

Through respect and understanding, we can help cats overcome the issues of unfamiliarity and build a wonderful partnership. Let us become cats’ most trustworthy friends and enjoy each other’s warmth and joy together.

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